Estudos de simulação computacional do processo de redução de UF4 a Urânio metálico / computational simulation studies of the reduction process of UF4 to metallic uranium


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The production of metallic uranium is essential for production of fuel elements for using in nuclear reactors manufacturing of radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuticals. In IPEN, metallic uranium is produced by magnesiothermical reduction of UF4. This reaction is performed in a closed graphite crucible inserted in a sealed metal reactor and no contact with the outside environment. The set is gradually heated in an oven pit, until it reaches the ignition temperature of the reaction (between 600-650°C). The modeling of the heating profile of the system can be made using simulation programs by finite element method. Through the thermal profiles in the load, we can have a notion of heating period required for the reaction to occur, allowing the identification of the same group in a greater or smaller yield in metallic uranium production. Thermal properties of UF4 are estimated, obtaining thermal condutivity and heat capacity using the Flash Laser Method, and for the load UF4 + Mg, either. The results are compared to laboratory tests to simulate the primary production process.


finite element modeling metallic uranium modelagem em elementos finitos redução de uf4 reduction of uf4 simulação térmica thermal simulation urânio metálico

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