Erasmo Braga e os valores protestantes na educação brasileira




This research is about the contribution of the educator Erasmo de Carvalho Braga to Brazilian education in the twentieth century. Living from 1877 to 1932 and contributed in an outstanding way to Brazilian education, Erasmo Braga presented theoretical conjectures that can be still recalled currently. It also aims to understand the context in which the conjectures were generated and applicated, as well as to bring them up and point them out as a productive support to current educators. First, it analyses the life and works of Erasmo Braga. In sequence, this research will seek to emphasize the educator and the education in his context. At least, seek to emphasize the importance of protestant values as a formative identity of students. It is valid to underline that the research predates the analysis of Braga Series, a didactic material for the students use, composed by four volumes of texts for interdisciplinary readings. Such Braga Series will also be study object for exploration of the theoretical bases of the author. Therefore, this research will aid the understanding and reflexion related to the current prominence of Erasmo Bragas conjectures that deal with moral actions, interdisciplinarity and educational quality of contemporary education.


educação erasmo braga education teologia protestantism protestantismo christian values série braga erasmo braga valores cristãos braga series

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