Discurso e do sobre o futebol brasileiro : o poder midiático na regulação das identidades




Studies affirm that soccer is one of the greatest symbols of Brazilian national identity. Thats why it was and it is taken as an object in several studies inscribed at Human Sciences. Yet soccer has not been adequately studied by linguists. Taking that conjecture into consideration, besides trying to promote the approximation between soccer and Linguistics studies, the main goal of this research is appraising how the soccer chronicle discourse exerts a regulating power over the discursive construction of Brazilian soccer identity and Brazilian national identity during 1994 and 1998 World Cups. In order to do so, we discursively analyze, based upon the theoretical-methodological apparatus of French-school Discourse Analysis, notoriously represented by Michel Pêcheux and Michel Foucault, one archive of soccer chronicles published in the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo in the time of the Cups mentioned above. In order to compose the theoretical foundation that supports this research, we applied some French DA main categories such as, discursive formation, discursive process and discursive memory , the concepts of power, knowledge, subjectivity, archive and occurrence all of them discussed by Foucault (1986, 1992, 1995, 1996, 1997, 2000) , the theoretical reflections about the concept of identity produced inside Sociology and Anthropology by Boaventura de Sousa-Santos (2001), Suely Rolnik (2000) and Stuart Hall (2001), and also the notion-concept of thematic stretch, proposed by Jacques Guilhaumou and Denise Maldidier (1994). From the reading sustained by the concept of thematic stretch, we verify, in the chronicles, how the nominal groups Brasil (Brazil), seleção brasileira (Brazilian national squad), futebol brasileiro (Brazilian soccer) were fulfilled in a way to build up, in and by Folha soccer chronicle discourse, one national identity for Brazilian soccer and for Brazil.


trajeto temático discurso futebol linguistica discourse thematic stretch subjectivity identidade identity análise do discurso soccer subjetividade

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