CRAS - Centros de Referência de Assistência Social: expressão real da Política Nacional de Assistência Social de 2004


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This dissertation deals with the study of implantation process of Reference Centers of Social Assistance (CRAS), provided in National Policy on Social Assistance (PNAS) and Unified System of Social Assistance (SUAS) in 2004. The research carried out a survey and analysis of trajectory of the new policy of social assistance officers through studies conducted by Ministry of Social Development, National Council of Social Assistance and Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, noting the changes, advances and limits of this movement. Discusses the scientific - theses and dissertations - specific to the deployment process of CRAS in some cities and regions of Brazil, raising their particularities and homogeneities, the new practices and meanings entered this area from SUAS and PNAS. Presents an analysis of gaps between idealized and realized in implantation and operation of CRAS, looking for data and grants that demonstrate the leading role of this unit in realization and materiality of PNAS in the cities. The study revealed the heterogeneity of this process and some directions that are pointed in the operationalization of the CRAS from studies, research and professional practices. The investigation found that the CRAS actually identify themselves as the most tangible expression of the new policy of social work in the cities


servico social cras processo de implantação suas assistência social implantation process social assistance

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