Consumo alimentar de frutos do Cerrado, fontes de vitamina A, por moradoras de comunidades das cidades satélites do Distrito Federal




INTRODUCTION - On the basis of the relevance of the study on fruits of the Cerrado as vitamin A, the work aims at a description of the alimentary consumption of these fruits, the forms to use them as alimentary A, the access they and possible cultural reasons that hinder its consumption for, women who had participated of courses of Handicraft offered in Cities Satellites of the Federal District. METHODS - This is a descriptive analysis of the alimentary consumption of the fruits of the Cerrado for the participants of courses of Handicraft carried through by the SEBRAE-DF. A study was carried through pilot to perfect the (N = 100) questionnaires. A auto-applicatory questionnaire was used on linked subjects to the subject, to verify the alimentary habits of the searched ones on the consumption of these fruits. RESULTS - Amongst the fruits of the Cerrado it is verified that the most known in sequence decreasing, they are: pequi (85%), ceriguela (78%), buriti and caju (70% each), jatobá (62%). On the other hand, most unknown they are: perinha (94%), mama- cadela (82%), gravatá (79%) and lobeira (76%). How much to the reasons that lead to the consumption of the fruits of the Cerrado, 61% of the participants had informed that they consume them for liking; 13% because they make well to the health, 13% had not answered e, the remains, for the two first reasons. With regard to the access to the fruits of the Cerrado, 55% of the women buy them in fairs, 24% earn, 17% acquire of ambulant e, only 4% had informed that they plant them. In relation to the consumption way, 40% consume these fruits to the natural one, 14% in form of juices and to the natural one, only 10% as juices; other options of consumption had had minor number; 2% had only chosen the option in salty prescription form. But 31% of the searched ones know the importance of the alimentary consumption of the fruits of the Cerrado as vitamin sources. Although it parcels out considerable (36%) not to know if its feeding is, nutrition, correct to remain the health, it has many participants (55%) that they are worried in knowing on Feeding and Health, informing to be the media the resource more used to get information on the subject. CONCLUSION - The results suggest that the consumption of fruits of the Cerrado still is very small for this population, perhaps for partner-economic-cultural factors. The data are suggestive and indicative of the knowledge lack on the exploitation of the fruits of the Cerrado, especially of those vitamin sources. This sample the necessity of the Nutricional Education for the Brazilian population of the Cerrado, teaching them to know it and to use to advantage the nutritional potential of these fruits, converting the new knowledge into healthful alimentary habits.


cerrado fruits fruits vitamin a engenharia de alimentos ciencias da saude consumo alimentar frutos fontes de vitamina a alimentary consumption frutos do cerrado

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