Compósitos avançados epóxi/fibra de vidro com elevado teor de nanotubos de carbono


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The use of carbon nanotubes (CNT) in Epoxy (EP)/Glass Fiber (GF) composites, producing tri-component composites, has been widely researched, with some interesting results related to mechanical and electromagnetic properties. When the goal is a significant improvement in mechanical properties, CNT content greater than 1%wt. may be necessary, which yields serious dispersion problems. The great challenge when processing a high CNT content resin is that its viscosity is significantly increased in comparison with the neat resin, preventing adequate dispersion and processing of the composite. In this work, a methodology for the dispersion of CNT in GF fabrics was developed aiming to increase the CNT content in EP/CNT/GF tri-component composites produced by resin transfer molding (RTM). The composites were characterized using tensile, flexural, Izod impact, interlaminar shear strength (ILSS), Barcol hardness testing and dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA); ultrasound inspection and attenuation of electromagnetic radiation evaluation were also carried out. The tri-component composites showed an overall maximum increase of only 10% in the mechanical properties, but displayed great potential use for attenuation of electromagnetic radiation, reaching 95% wave absorption.


resina epoxi nanotubos de carbono advanced composites carbon nanotubes materiais compositos fibra de vidro nanocomposites dispersion rtm

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