A percepção dos mantenedores de software em relação ao seu trabalho: um estudo de caso em uma instituição financeira




Maintenance is the task that involves constant changes in software so that it can continue to be considered useful. According to the modification purpose, maintenance can be classified in correctional (to correct and prevent mistakes), evolutionary (to adequate software to new business rules) or adaptive (to adapt software to new environments). This task is the one that is more expensive to companies considering software lifecycle. Besides that, studies show that the perception of the staff who maintains the software about their job can affect their performance and finally the quality of the software systems maintained. Despite that, few studies have been conducted on the human aspects involved in the software maintenance process. This study aims to investigate the perception of software maintenance staff about their job. In order to achieve this goal, an exploratory research was conducted, with field survey. The field survey was conducted with the staff in charge of software development in a financial institution through the application of a questionnaire, having 481 answers, from which 81% of systems analysts and programmers. The results show that the staff of this institution has a positive perception of their job.


manutenção de software ciencia da computacao software maintenance perception human aspects percepção aspectos humanos software manutenção; software - desenvolvimento; tecnologia da informação software development

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