A organizaÃÃo relacional de textos argumentativos escritos em inglÃs - lÃngua estrangeira com ou sem operadores / The relational organization of argumentative texts written in English - foreign language




The relational organization of argumentative texts written in English/foreign language is a study that has as purpose of analyzing the organization of the argumentative sequences concerning the presence and the absence of argumentative operators. For this, the research concentrates an inductive, objective, descriptive broaching about the place and the worth of lexical items, according to Camlongâs Lexical, Textual, Discursive Analysis Method. The theoretical bases are Argumentative Semantics, represented, among others theorists, by Ducrot, GuimarÃes, Roulet, Filliettaz and Grobet; Textual Linguistics, figured by Koch, Halliday and Hasan, etc.; and, for example, AristÃteles, Perelman, Toulminâs Argumentative Rhetoric. The key-question is the verification of three points: How are the sentences organized as for the use and no-use of operators? Is there an argumentative difference between marked texts and non-marked? If was there a didactic interference and a systemic knowledge, there will be more operators and, consequently, more textual/discursive tessitura?. For these answers, it is carried out a study quantitative and qualitative of semantic worth of operators that are presence and absence in three phases: free composition, controlled composition, and simulated composition. As to second and third phases, these ones serve of parameter to verify if the adoption of Brassartâs model and re-texture process brought about some changes in enunciate behavior as to first phase. The results point to relatively small differences among phases, because it is not the amount of operators that determines the orientation, but the position and the semantic worth occupied for them in corpus. In addiction, it was observed that the operators line up in a specific topos (predilection, common, dissimilarity), with tendencies or positive or negative. When in negative position, the operator discloses some kind of argumentative as to overuse, sub-use and semantic overload


linguistica semantic worth topoi valor semÃntico topoi argumentative operator operador argumentativo

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