A degradação da infância: maus-tratos e sevícias na origem da conduta anti-social. Um estudo psicanalítico




This research consists in an effort of comprehension of the problems that the abuse and the familiar victimization with children and teenagers brings about, in the psychoanalytic views. The high frequency that this problem is detected in the young population reveals the big proportion that it reachs, constitutioning a serious phenomenon of the public health that yet find strength and legitimation in the daily of the victims silence, pursued by the shame, guilt and incompetence. This modality of apression, destroy their identities prematurely fragmented. Based in my performance in a governmental institution destinated to the attendment of families in circumstances of risk to the domestic violence, I suggest to encircle the consequences to the subjectivity of children and teenagers victms of physical and sexual abuse caused by the parents or their substitutes. My interest is motivated by the search of the effects from the impigement, with any physical injurie, faced as an ivasion by the young. This distortion in the negative domestic atmosfhere causes damage to the emotional development, to appropriation of a personal identity and to the potential of creativity, establishing states of isolation and affliction without words that are expressed only in acts. This traumatic modality would be decisive when it comes to the deliquential conduct, passing of the profanation of the core from the self and from the hope


criancas maltratadas children and teenagers victms of physical and sexual abuse psicologia violencia familiar crianças e jovens vítimas de abusos físicos e sexuais psicanalise infantil

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