Virus Plant
Mostrando 1-12 de 857 artigos, teses e dissertações.
1. Ornamental plant market in Dona Euzébia - MG: production, commercialization and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
Resumo Com o surgimento da pandemia do COVID-19 os mercados das mais diferentes áreas foram atingidos, positivamente ou negativamente. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a situação de produção, comercialização e o impacto da pandemia do COVID-19 sobre o mercado de plantas ornamentais da cidade de Dona Euzébia-MG. Diante disto um qu
Ornamental Horticulture. Publicado em: 2022
2. Identification of Potential Inhibitors of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Related Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Main Protease from Non-Natural and Natural Sources: A Molecular Docking Study
So far, there is neither a vaccine nor a specific antiviral drug to prevent or treat COVID-19 (coronavirus disease) infection. Recent studies have been done to investigate the capacity of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) protease inhibitors be used in the treatment of COVID-19 patients. Some of those drugs have shown to be promising. Natural chemi
J. Braz. Chem. Soc.. Publicado em: 2020-12
3. Determination of the grapevine virome by high-throughput sequencing and grapevine viruses detection in Serra Gaúcha, Brazil
ABSTRACT Among grapevine (Vitis spp.) pathogens, viruses stand out, considering that this fruit plant is broadly susceptible to them and that they cause several diseases, reducing quality and yield of grape production. However, detecting and identifying viral infections in grapevines can be challenging. The objectives of this study were to detect grapevine v
Rev. Ceres. Publicado em: 2020-04
4. Moringa water extract promising additive to prolong the activity of baculovirus under field-sunlight conditions in Egypt
Resumo Os baculovírus são considerados como biopesticidas eficazes, exceto por não estarem ativos sob condições de luz solar. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a capacidade do extrato de moringa para prolongar a atividade do vírus sob condições de campo egípcias, tendo em vista que Moringa provou ser um material protetor forte sob investigação an
Braz. J. Biol.. Publicado em: 02/12/2019
5. Agronomic performance of both virus-infected and virus-free garlic with different seed bulbs and clove sizes
Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o crescimento e a produção de um clone de alho submetido a condições de infecção viral e livre de vírus, com base na classificação por tamanho de bulbos e bulbilhos. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram de bulbilhos infectados com vírus
Pesq. agropec. bras.. Publicado em: 28/11/2019
6. Chemical diversity and activity profiles of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitors from plants
Abstract Current challenges to antiretroviral therapy have opened new vistas in the search for novel drugs from natural products. This review focusses on plants as sources of inhibitors for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) reverse transcriptase. Based on a systematic search of the literature, anti-HIV-1 reverse transcriptase activity was recorded
Rev. bras. farmacogn.. Publicado em: 17/10/2019
7. Cardanols detected in non-polar propolis extracts from Scaptotrigona aff. postica (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponini)
Resumo A própolis elaborada pelas abelhas sem ferrão (Apidae, Meliponini) é um material resinoso extraído de brotos, folhas e exsudatos de plantas, que são misturados com secreções salivares, cera e solo. A espécie Scaptotrigona aff. postica (Latreille, 1807), (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponini), popularmente conhecida como “tubi”, no estado do Mar
Braz. J. Food Technol.. Publicado em: 17/10/2019
8. Rabies virus monitoring in bat populations in Rondônia state, Brazil
Abstract INTRODUCTION: The Jirau hydroelectric power plant built in Rondônia state has environmental impacts that could be relevant to rabies outbreaks. METHODS: Bat populations were monitored for rabies by fluorescent antibody testing and simplified fluorescent inhibition microtesting between 2010 and 2015. RESULTS: All 1,183 bats tested negative for
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop.. Publicado em: 01/08/2019
9. Etiology, occurrence and epidemiology of a begomovirus disease in passionflower in the southwest of Bahia
ABSTRACT: Severe mosaic symptoms, accompanied by yellow spots, abnormally small leaves, fruit malformation and cracking, reduced plant growth, and high levels of whitefly (Bemisia tabaci MEAM1) infestation were observed in passionflower (Passiflora edulis) orchards in southwestern Bahia, Brazil. The aim of this work was to identify the species of begomovirus
Sci. agric. (Piracicaba, Braz.). Publicado em: 2019-07
10. Probing the Pharmacological Parameters, Molecular Docking and Quantum Computations of Plant Derived Compounds Exhibiting Strong Inhibitory Potential Against NS5 from Zika Virus
ABSTRACT Zika virus (ZIKV) is known for microcephaly and neurological disease in humans and the nonstructural proteins of ZIKV play a fundamental role in the viral replication. Among the seven nonstructural proteins, NS5 is the most conserved and largest protein. Two major functional domains of NS5 i.e. methyltransferase (MTase) and RNA-dependent RNA polymer
Braz. arch. biol. technol.. Publicado em: 29/11/2018
11. Molecular farming of antimicrobial peptides: available platforms and strategies for improving protein biosynthesis using modified virus vectors
Abstract The constant demand for new antibiotic drugs has driven efforts by the scientific community to prospect for peptides with a broad spectrum of action. In this context, antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) have acquired great scientific importance in recent years due to their ability to possess antimicrobial and immunomodulatory activity. In the last two dec
An. Acad. Bras. Ciênc.. Publicado em: 18/10/2018
12. Genome-wide analysis of EgEVE_1, a transcriptionally active endogenous viral element associated to small RNAs in Eucalyptus genomes
Abstract Endogenous viral elements (EVEs) are the result of heritable horizontal gene transfer from viruses to hosts. In the last years, several EVE integration events were reported in plants by the exponential availability of sequenced genomes. Eucalyptus grandis is a forest tree species with a sequenced genome that is poorly studied in terms of evolution a
Genet. Mol. Biol.. Publicado em: 23/02/2017