
Ustekinumab treats psoriasis by suppressing RORC and T-box but its suppression of GATA restrains its efficacy

Psoriasis is a T-cell mediated disease that involves IL-23/Th17 and IL-12/Th1 axes. Ustekinumab, a fully human monoclonal antibody targeting the p40 subunit of both IL-12 and IL-23, has proven to be efficient and safe for treating patients with psoriasis. Yet, there have been no reports with human skin/blood samples that would elucidate the molecular mechanisms by which ustekinumab calms psoriasis skin lesions. To investigate the efficacy and molecular pathway (RORC, t-BOX and GATA) of ustekinumab in treating patients with psoriasis skin lesions. A total of 30 patients with psoriasis were rand...

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