
The Dietary Inclusion of Chickpea Seeds (Cicer Arietinum L.) Influences the Thermal Properties of Muscle Proteins, But Not the Texture of Drumstick Muscle in Broiler Chickens

ABSTRACT In this study, the effect of replacement of soybean meal with raw chickpea seeds as a primary protein source in the diet of broiler chicks on physical properties of drumstick muscle (m. gastrocnemius) was examined. One-day-old Ross 308 broilers (n=160) were fed soybean meal (n=80) or raw chickpea seeds (n=80) as a primary protein source for 42 days. Drumstick muscles, after dissection and storage for 24 h at 5°C, were subjected to texture profile analysis to determine changes in the structural and material integrity, and the thermal stability of muscle proteins were assessed on the b...

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