Revisiting the Concept of Non- and Minimally Invasive Interventions in Early Glottic Cancer – Part II: Single Therapy Should be Favored over the Combination of Transoral Laser Microsurgery and Radiotherapy, Regarding the Postinterventional Voice Quality

Abstract Introduction Early glottic cancer (EGC) is associated with a high cure rate. Hence, patients and physicians also focus on the impact of the proposed treatment on the speaking function of the preserved larynx. Objectives The present study assessed the impact of single-modality treatment (transoral laser microsurgery [TLM], or radiotherapy) or combination therapy for EGC on post-interventional voicing and explored factors which might explain the related perceptions. Methods A total of 108 patients filled in the voice handicap index 10 questionnaire, 1 and 2 years postinterventionally...

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