
Resection of the Urethral Plate and Augmented Ventral Buccal Graft in Patients with Long Obliterative Urethral Strictures

The treatment of long urethral strictures is based on the use of buccal mucosa graft (BMG). Postoperative failures commonly occur in patients with the obliterative strictures, and the long augmented part of the urethra which is prone to fibrotic changes. Combined approach with the resection of the obliterative part of the urethral plate located in the bulbar urethra, together with the ventral placement of BMG was performed in 36 patients. Etiology of the stricture was: idiopathic in 19/36 (52.7%), iatrogenic in 14/36 (38.8%), and other causes in 3/36 (8.3%). Mean length of the stricture was 7....

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