
Protein expression upon desiccation and imbibition of Magnolia ovata A. St.-Hil seeds

The effect of seed drying and imbibition was studied by differential protein expression using two dimensional gel electrophoresis. After drying to a range of water contents, seeds were germinated to assess the viability. Seeds of Magnolia ovata did not withstand the desiccation down to 0.10 g H2O · g-1 dw. The critical water content below which the desiccation sensitivity became apparent was around 0.18 g H2O · g-1 dw (-26.5 MPa). Total protein was extracted and separated by 2D electrophoresis from fresh seeds (0.28 g H2O · g-1 dw), mild dried seeds (0.25 g H2O · g-1 dw) and seeds at low w...

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