
Planos diretores municipais de pequeno porte no Paraná: Cianorte, Rondon e São Tomé

The instruments of the Municipal Master Plan, by law or choice of management, are important planning mechanisms in use today. Thirteen years after federal law No. 10.257/2001 - City Statute and 8 years after state law No. 15.229/2006 were passed, virtually all municipalities in the state of Paraná have developed their Municipal Master Plans due to mandatory state requirement. This article aims to assess whether and how their implementation is assisting municipalities in the process of Urban Management. The municipalities of Cianorte, Rondon and São Tomé, in the mesoregion of northwestern Pa...

Texto completo
  • Assuntos:

    • Plano Diretor
    • Estatuto da Cidade
    • Municípios de pequeno porte
    • Urbanização
    • Planejamento urbano