
Patrones de diversidad y composición florística de parcelas de evaluación permanente en la selva central de Perú

A forest survey in Satipo Province, Region of Junin, from 990 to 1050 m.a.s.l. revealed the presence of 775 trees > 10 cm dbh belonging to 102 species, 67 genera and 37 families. The study showed the most diverse families as being Moraceae, Lauraceae and Leguminosae, and the most diverse genera as Ficus, Ocotea, Miconia and Inga. A comparative analysis of 1 hectare plots located in premontane forests from 900 to 1150 m.a.s.l. was carried out. In the premontane altitude zone, the species ensemble shows floristic affinities between them and with lowland Amazon forests. However, over 2000 m.a.s.l...

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