
O consumo de bebida alcóolica pelas gestantes: um estudo exploratório

The research of quantitative and explorer nature had the general objective to argue the reasons/factors that take the pregnant women to consume alcoholic beverage. The scene was the Prenatal clinic of the Hospital Antonio Pedro, Niterói. Forty future mothers had been part of the study, having as instrument of collection of data two forms with closed questions. The analysis of the data evidenced that 10% of the pregnant women had the habit to consume moderately alcoholic beverage, being the main reason the presence in parties and commemorations beyond felt happy and relaxed at the moment of co...

Texto completo
  • Assuntos:

    • Alcoolismo
    • Gravidez
    • Cuidado Pré-natal
    • Síndrome Alcoólica Fetal e Enfermagem