
Morphology of stomatopod larvae from National Parks: Sistema Arrecifal Veracruzano and Arrecife Puerto Morelos, Mexico

ABSTRACT The present study provides information on the morphology of stomatopod larvae found in two different reef systems which are also considered national parks: the Sistema Arrecifal Veracruzano (SAVNP) and Arrecife Puerto Morelos (APMNP). Zooplankton samples were collected at 26 stations of the SAVNP and four stations of the APMNP. Stomatopod larvae were identified and classified by their larval stage. We found representatives of three stomatopod superfamilies: the superfamily Gonodactyloidea Giesbrecht, 1910 was represented by Neogonodactylus oerstedii (Hansen, 1895), Neogonodactylus wen...

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