
Microesferas de quitosana reticuladas com tripolifosfato utilizadas para remoção da acidez, ferro(III) e manganês(II) de águas contaminadas pela mineração de carvão

Considerable attention has been paid to chitosan and derivatives as efficient adsorbents of pollutants such as metal ions and dyes in aqueous medium. Nevertheless, no report can be found on the remedial actions of chitosan microspheres crosslinked with tripolyphosphate to control acidity, iron (III) and manganese (II) contents in wastewaters from coal mining. In this work, chitosan microspheres crosslinked with tripolyphosphate were used for the neutralization of acidity and removal of Fe (III) and Mn (II) from coal mining wastewaters. The study involved static and dinamic methods. The neutral...

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