Corneal squamous cell carcinoma in a dog

Background: Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a neoplastic disease of the squamous epithelial cells that has been rarely described in the literature. This neoplasm affects the eyelid, conjunctiva and third eyelid, as well as the cornea. Corneal SCC is a neoplastic lesion characterized by a pink, typically irregular mass protruding from the epithelial surface of the cornea. Canine corneal SCC has been associated with chronic keratoconjunctivitis sicca, or keratitis secondary to exophthalmia and is common in humans, horses and cows. The treatment is surgical with excision of the lesion of the ocu...

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  • Assuntos:

    • Neoplasias oculares
    • Ocular neoplasm
    • Canine
    • Crioterapia
    • Lamellar keratectomy
    • Cães
    • Cryotherapy