
Impact of nitrification inhibitor with organic manure and urea on nitrogen dynamics and N2O emission in acid sulphate soil

ABSTRACT The accurate prediction of N transformation is an important requisite for optimizing N use efficiency in cropping systems. An incubation study was conducted to verify the impacts of nitrification inhibitor (NI) with organic manure (OM) and urea on N dynamics and N2O emission in acid sulphate soil. The conducted experiment was two-level factorial with 4 N sources (N1 = 100% of N from urea, N2 = 75% of N from urea + 25% N from rice straw, N3 = 75% of N from urea + 25% of N from cow dung and N4 = 75% of N from urea + 25% of N from poultry dung) and two levels of NI (with and without DCD)...

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