
Dosagem hormonal e avaliação testicular em cachorro-do-mato (Cerdocyun thous) utilizando diferentes protocolos anestésicos

Tree Cerdocyon thous males received different anesthesia protocols: tiletamine-zolazepan (7mg/kg); ketamine-xylazine (12 and 1mg/kg); ketamine-xylazine-atropin (12, 1.0 and 0.04mg/kg), ketamine-midazolam (12 and 0.5mg/kg) and ketamine-acepromazine (12 and 0.1mg/kg) for semen collection by electroejaculation, testosterone hormonal dosages, fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC), testicular manual evaluation, biometry by caliper and ultrassonography (US). The ejaculates collected by electroejaculation showed urine contamination making impossible the semen evaluation. The M±PD of serum testoster...

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    • reprodução
    • canídeos selvagem
    • anestesia