
Desempenho do polvo Octopus vulgaris alimentado com monodieta de mexilhão (Perna perna )

ABSTRACT The octopus Octopus cf. vulgaris is a potential species to diversify aquaculture. Due to absence of balanced commercial diet, growth of the O. cf. vulgaris is based on natural diet with local and low-cost inputs. In Brazil, studies on experimental octopus ongrowing are recent and there is little available data. We evaluated the performance, survival and food consumption of O. vulgaris fed on mussel Perna perna for 20 days. Six octopuses with initial weight of 415±12.73g (mean±standard deviation) were divided into two groups (n=3 octopuses/group) according to the diet: MC Group (fr...

Texto completo
  • Assuntos:

    • engorda
    • dieta
    • aquicultura
    • cefalópode
    • molusco