
Chromosomal variability in Brazilian species of Anthurium Schott (Araceae): Heterochromatin, polyploidy, and B chromosomes

Abstract The genus Anthurium has a Neotropical distribution, with karyotype predominance of x = 15, although some species show disploidy or polyploid variations. The karyotypes of seven species and different populations of Anthurium were analyzed using fluorochrome CMA and DAPI staining. The karyotypes were composed of meta- and submetacentric chromosomes, with numbers varying from 2n = 30 to 2n = 60. Supernumerary euchromatic chromosomes were observed in A. affine, and supernumerary heterochromatic chromosomes were observed in A. gladiifolium and A. petrophilum. Polyploidy was recurrent in th...

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