
Apparent digestibility of conventional and alternative feedstuffs by hybrid tambacu juveniles

ABSTRACT The apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC’s) of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), and gross energy (GE) of conventional feedstuffs (cottonseed meal-CSM, soybean meal-SBM, wheat bran-WHB, corn-COR) and regional alternative feedstuffs (common bean residue meal-CBR, mesquite meal-MES, pasta by-product meal-PBM) were determined for hybrid juvenile tambacu Colossoma macropomum × Piaractus mesopotamicus. The apparent DM and GE digestibility of feedstuffs decreased (p<0.05) as fiber content of the ingredients increased. No differences (p>0.05) were found among ADC’s of PBM and COR...

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