Savannas In Bahia
Mostrando 1-2 de 2 artigos, teses e dissertações.
1. Flora and Vegetation in Different Physiognomies of a Mussununga in Southeastern Brazil
ABSTRACT Mussununga is an understudied ecosystem within the Atlantic Forest domain, in sandy spodosol lowlands from Bahia to Espírito Santo. Its physiognomy varies from grassland to forest, with a transitional savannic area. We evaluated the life-form spectra differences between the grassland and savanna Mussunungas and its relationship with the depth of a
Floresta Ambient.. Publicado em: 12/09/2019
2. A produção dos espaços dos cerrados baianos após 1970.
This paper presents a study about the capitalist production of a space. It focuses on how the region of savannas in Bahia was planned and produced to be part of a new capitalist dynamic. The study analyzes since the end of the 1970s until now, once that the consolidation of modern agriculture in the space took place exactly in this period. This new process h
IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia. Publicado em: 08/07/2011