Nursing Professor S Practice
Mostrando 1-9 de 9 artigos, teses e dissertações.
1. Validation of a questionnaire designed to measure nursing student satisfaction with practical training
Objetivo: validar um instrumento para avaliar a formação prática e a satisfação com as disciplinas de Prática Clínica de estudantes de enfermagem. Método: estudo observacional, descritivo, transversal (curso 2014-2015). Validação de um questionário autoadministrado e anônimo (17 itens) de satisfação em relação às disciplinas de Prática Cl
Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem. Publicado em: 05/12/2019
2. Ensino superior: percepção do docente de enfermagem quanto à formação pedagógica / Higher Education: perception of nursing faculty regarding pedagogical training
This descriptive and qualitative research aimed to identify the perception of Nursing Higher Education faculty members at a private university in the interior of the state of São Paulo regarding pedagogical training. Participation was spontaneous, after knowledge of the study proposal and consent by signing the Free and Informed Consent form. Data collectio
IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia. Publicado em: 30/09/2011
3. Formando os futuros profissionais da saúde : potências, fragilidades, convergências e divergências vivenciadas por estudantes e professores no processo de formação ética
As a nurse and professor of General Pathology for undergraduate students from different health science fields, I have been confronted to understand the current context of Curriculum Guidelines which associate technical with ethical and humanist contents. Following the commitment made by the Universities and the Health Ministry I also train the students on th
Publicado em: 2009
4. A formação para a docência do professor enfermeiro na visão dos professores
Inúmeros cursos de formação técnica profissional em enfermagem foram implantados no Brasil nos últimos dez anos, motivados principalmente pelo PROFAE - Projeto de Profissionalização dos Trabalhadores da Área de Enfermagem do Ministério da Saúde. Abriu-se, assim, um novo campo de trabalho para os egressos dos cursos superiores de enfermagem, na doc�
Publicado em: 2008
5. A prática pedagógica na educação profissional técnica de nível médio em enfermagem: estudo em uma escola privada do interior paulista / The pedagogical practice on Professional Technic Education of Nursing Intermediate Level: study in a private school of São Paulo State countryside
This research proposed to characterize the pedagogical practice of teachers who work on Professional Technic Education of Nursing Intermediate Level in a private institution of São Paulo State countryside and also identify the course´s coordinator perception as for pedagogical practice of course´s professors. It s a question for a descriptive-explorer stu
Publicado em: 2007
6. The nurse´s background and the managerial practice in health work: outlining paths for the transforming praxis / A formação e a prática gerencial do enfermeiro para o trabalho em saúde: delineando caminhos para a práxis transformadora
This study is about the construction of managerial knowledge as well as the configuration of managerial competences for nurses during their academic graduation. It aims: to analyze the managerial demands of nurses? professional praxis involved in the process of organizing the health and Nursing work, determined by Health Policies, and to analyze the process
Publicado em: 2006
7. "Rethinking the nu rses fo rm atio n: the pro cess of conscientization and teaching practices accord ant to the ethical-humanist referential." / "Repensando a formação do enfermeiro: o processo de conscientização crítica e práticas docentes à luz do referencial ético-humanista"
In the presence of curricular reform, which is occurring in all over Brazil, in the most of graduation courses, we watch the university education institutions movement trying to take a firm stand looking for axis and strategics which lead the pedagogic practice to attend the current contests in the process of people capacity and in health attendance area, in
Publicado em: 2005
8. The professional identity of the nursing teacher in the technical teaching. / A identidade profissional do enfermeiro professor do ensino técnico de enfermagem
The aim of this study was to understand the perspectives of the nursing teacher in the technical teaching, considering work and professional identity, taking into account the social-demographical variables and emphasizing the multi-contextualization of this practice. To this end, this qualitative research was based on a descriptive and exploratory study. We
Publicado em: 2004
9. A formação do enfermeiro - anos 2000: contradições e desafios à prática pedagógica.
This study deals with the theme currculum, pedagogical Practice and the nurse?s formation which at present has taken relevant space within academical debate. Concerning these points, discourses take turns in demonstrating several concerns and many are the results from different analyses, for in the last decades the curriculum questions on the formation of th
Publicado em: 2003