Military Personnel
Mostrando 1-12 de 54 artigos, teses e dissertações.
1. O que é pericoronarite? É necessária a exodontia?
A pericoronarite é um processo infeccioso agudo caracterizado por inflamação do tecido gengival que recobre parcialmente um dente retido
. Os terceiros molares inferiores são os dentes mais comumente afetados
O tratamento inicial se dá com o uso de medicações analgésicas para alívio da dor e bochechos antissépticos com clorex
Núcleo de Telessaúde Espírito Santo. Publicado em: 12/06/2023
2. Physical Fitness Test (PFT) in Police and Military in Brazil: A Systematic Review
Abstract Background Physical Fitness Tests (PFTs) are part of military routines and are usually administered to applicants for the Brazilian corps member, including the civil police. Objective To identify in the literature, scientific articles aimed at assessing physical fitness of police and military personnel in Brazil, using PFTs. Methods This was a
International Journal of Cardiovascular Sciences. Publicado em: 2022
3. A systematic review of hormone levels, biomarkers of cellular injury and oxidative stress in multi-stressor military field training exercises
ABSTRACT The fundamental objective of military field training exercises (FTX) is to prepare military personnel for real-life operations through simulated scenarios. These training sessions often require extreme physical efforts with prolonged, high-intensity exercises that can be combined with food restrictions and partial, or total, sleep deprivation. Such
Archives of Endocrinology and Metabolism. Publicado em: 2022
4. Ferimentos por arma de fogo em profissionais de segurança pública e militares das forças armadas: revisão integrativa
Resumo Objetivo: sistematizar a produção bibliográfica sobre a ocorrência de ferimentos por arma de fogo (FAF) entre profissionais de segurança pública, incluindo policiais e militares de forças armadas. Métodos: revisão integrativa realizada em bases bibliográficas eletrônicas brasileiras e internacionais (BVS, Scopus, Web of Science e Pubmed),
Rev. bras. saúde ocup.. Publicado em: 26/09/2019
5. Precarização do trabalho da enfermeira: militância profissional sob a ótica da imprensa
Resumo Objetivo Analisar a militância profissional de enfermeiras frente à precarização do trabalho apresentada pela mídia impressa baiana nas décadas de 1970 e 1980. Métodos Pesquisa histórico-documental, com abordagem qualitativa, cuja fonte foi o jornal baiano A Tarde. O recorte temporal abarca marcos históricos como a criação do Conselho F
Acta paul. enferm.. Publicado em: 29/07/2019
6. The logistic experience of the Brazilian Navy in humanitarian operations: the cases of earthquakes in Haiti and Chile in 2010
Abstract Paper aims Based on the naval logistics doctrine, this paper describes and analyzes the Brazilian Navy's actions and the obstacles encountered in humanitarian operations conducted during the earthquakes in Haiti and Chile, both in 2010. Originality The main contribution is to report the use of Brazilian military personnel in humanitarian operati
Prod.. Publicado em: 04/02/2019
7. Polysomnography Applied to Patients with Tinnitus: A Review
Abstract Introduction Tinnitus has been defined as an “auditory phantom perception,” meaning that tinnitus results from an abnormal activity within the nervous system, in the absence of any internal or external acoustic stimulation. About 10 to 15% of the adult population is affected by tinnitus, and a relevant percentage of tinnitus sufferers experien
Int. Arch. Otorhinolaryngol.. Publicado em: 2018-06
8. Creation, validation, and reliability of a shooting simulator instrument for reaction time evaluation
Abstract "Creation, validation, and reliability of a shooting simulator instrument for reaction time evaluation." The aim of this study was to develop, validate, and verify the reliability of a shooting simulator instrument for reaction time evaluation. 90 Santa Maria Air Base military personnel participated on the study. Software was developed for use with
Motriz: rev. educ. fis.. Publicado em: 2016-12
9. Prevalence of hepatitis B and C virus infections among military personnel
Background: Data regarding Hepatitis B and C viruses (HBV and HCV) prevalence among military personnel in Brazil are lacking, but the work-related risk of exposure can be high. The objective of this study was to estimate the seroprevalence of HBV and HCV and the risk factors associated to HBV exposure among Brazilian military personnel.Methods: A cross-secti
Braz J Infect Dis. Publicado em: 2015-06
10. Psychosocial factors and T lymphocyte counts in Brazilian peacekeepers
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the associations between psychosocial factors and peripheral blood CD4 and CD8 T lymphocyte numbers in Brazilian peacekeepers. METHODS: Venous blood was collected from 759 peacekeepers who had just returned from a peace mission in Haiti. Among the 759 soldiers, 642 individuals completed the psychosocial measures. CD4 and CD8 T lymp
Clinics. Publicado em: 2015-02
11. Las nuevas formas de la guerra y el cuerpo de las mujeres
New wars, characterized by informality, unfold today in a liminal space that can be defined as parastatal because is controlled by armed corporations with the participation of state and non-state military personnel. In that expanding sphere of parastatality, violence against women is not a collateral damage of war any more but it has become a strategic objec
Soc. estado.. Publicado em: 2014-08
12. Leishmaniasis transmission: distribution and coarse-resolution ecology of two vectors and two parasites in Egypt
Introduction: In past decades, leishmaniasis burden has been low across Egypt; however, changing environment and land use has placed several parts of the country at risk. As a consequence, leishmaniasis has become a particularly difficult health problem, both for local inhabitants and for multinational military personnel. Methods: To evaluate coarse-resol
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop.. Publicado em: 2014-01