Zzzziriguidum! Consulado: o choque do samba em Florianópolis (memórias e histórias de uma Escola de Samba encravada na cidade - 1976 a 2000)




The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the trajectory of an informal initiative suggested by a meeting of friends and coworkers, mostly from the state of Rio de Janeiro and belonging to the staff of Eletrosul (power plants A/N): the formation of Bloco Carnavalesco Consulado do Samba and, ten years after, the transformation into Grêmio Recreativo e Escola de Samba Consulado, in Florianopolis between the years of 1976 and 2000, and its interaction with the city and the stress and conflicts experienced. This Work has three chapters. The first one researches the formation of Bloco Carnavalesco Consulado do Samba, that arises from a state enterprise, the relation established with the city, and the participation of sambistas, writers and representative of other associations, beetwen the Escolas de Samba and Blocos interested in maintaining friendly relationships with representatives and representations of Rios carnival and the development of the samba enredo until the Bloco was raised to the rank of Escola de Samba. The second chapter discusses the history of Bloco Consulado do Samba to Grêmio Recreativo e Escola de Samba Consulado, the Saco dos Limões neighborhood carnival, the attempts and initiatives of professionalization projects of carnival in Florianopolis, even without strategical planning and organization, but demands to include the local popular party in the national context and on the shutdown of the Capitals tourist calendar. The third chapter investigates the constitution of the Escola de Samba through the process of identity creation with Capitals communities and the implantation of social projects to obtain recognition as Escola de Samba in Florianopolis, although it has not arisen from a specific Capitals community, but opted for a space in the city. The research was based on oral evidence, documents of GRES Consulado, Elase, Amoca that allowed confront with researches and references which emerges a new vision


historia city história cidade samba florianópolis (sc) florianópolis (sc) aspectos culturais history samba-enredo culture samba-enredo cultura

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