Zooarchaeology of the archaeological sites Maracaju 1, MS e Santa Elina, MT / Zooarqueologia dos sítios arqueológicos Maracaju 1, MS e Santa Elina, MT




Archaeofaunistic remains rescued in archaeological sites from Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul have shown the existence of generalists past hunter-gatherers groups in these states. Embedded in this context, there are the archaeological sites Maracaju 1, MS and Santa Elina, MT, characterized by being rock shelters, with rock art, and a quantity of archaeofaunistic remains, along with other traces of material culture. Facing the above, this work aimed to (1) understand, from the perspective of archaeofauna, the subsistence patterns of the people who occupied Maracaju 1, and Santa Elina, two shelters in the Cerrado biome, (2) outlining the activities (specific or not) done by human groups who occupied these shelters, and face it, (3) deduce the function of these shelters for local people. To reach that, these zooarchaeological records were studied using multidisciplinary methods and techniques (e.g. Taxonomy and Experimental taphonomy). Facing these results, it was possible to infer that hunting and subsistence activities, in occupations attributed to hunters-gatherers in Maracaju 1, occurred in successive and probably seasonal context. This occupation characteristic has strengthened the hypothesis of the high degree of mobility and more horizontalised occupations in the landscape, characteristic of these human groups. Similarly, the most parsimonious explanation for the zooarchaeological context of Santa Elina, is that the human occupation, probably had a seasonal character and occurred during the resources allocation related to other cultural events, evidenced by the rock art and the archaeological remains rescued in this site.


zooarcheology of mt archaeological site santa elina zooarqueologia de ms sítio arqueológico santa elina zooarcheology of ms zooarqueologia de mt sítio arqueológico maracaju 1 archaeological site maracaju 1

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