Zoneamento agroclimático para a cultura do pinus no Estado do Espírito Santo




The objective of this work is to make an agroclimatic zoning for the species Pinus elliottii var. Elliottii, Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis, Pinus taeda and Pinus oocarpa for the State of Espírito Santo, identifying areas with climatic aptitude for implantation of stand of production. It was used eteorological data of the period of 1977 to 2006, from eighty rainfall posts of the Water National Agency (ANA) located within the state and sixteen posts surrounding states, which provided only data of rainfall, eleven meteorological stations belonging to the Rural Extension and Research of Capixaba Institute (INCAPER) and three stations National Institute of Meteorology (INMET), which provided precipitation and air temperature data. Multiple regression equations have been developed using a statistical linear models based on latitude, longitude and altitude, for estimation of air temperatures (minimum, medium and maximum), monthly and annual to state of Espírito Santo. The spatialization of temperature was made using a digital elevation model (MDE), obtained through radar data from SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission), and regression equations adjusted. Using data of air temperature and precipitation made the calculation of the water balance climatologic as Thornthwaite &Mather (1955), adopting a storage capacity of 300 mm. In the present work were specialized by different techniques of interpolation weather the following parameters: precipitation, water deficit, water surplus, potential evapotranspiration, actual evapotranspiration and water availability were specialized by different techniques of interpolation. Based on the thematic maps of average air annual temperature and water deficit, a reclassification was done according to the climatic requirements of each species and then overlay this information, thereby thematic maps of agro climatic zoning of the species studied. The results showed that the multiple regression equations with linear adjustment, considering altitude, latitude and longitude, were satisfactorily estimated of the normal average temperatures, maximum and minimum monthly and annual. The method of kriging was the most efficient for the spatialization of climatic parameters, based on the lower value of the root of the average error quadratic (REMQ) and other parameters calculated that helped in choosing the best model. According to the fundations laid down for this work, the state of the Espírito Santo showed areas with climatic aptitude for all species, Pinus, and the species Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis showed the largest area of aptitude compared with the species Pinus elliottii var. elliottii, Pinus oocarpa, Pinus taeda and, which due to its climatic requirements, as more amena temperature and lower water deficit are more restricted, showed lower area of climate aptitude.


water balance pinus zoneamento agroclimático balanço hídrico geoestatistic geoestatística sistema de informação geográfica zoning agroclimatic pinus geographical information system recursos florestais e engenharia florestal

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