Zona de empate : o elo entre transformadas de watershed e conexidade nebulosa / Tie-zone : the bridge between watershed transforms and fuzzy connectedness




This thesis introduces the new concept of tie-zone transform that unifies the multiple solutions of a watershed transform, by conserving only the common parts among them such that the differing parts constitute the tie zone. The tie zone applied to the watershed via image-foresting transform (TZ-IFTWT) proves to be a link between watershed transforms based on very different paradigms: drop of water, flooding, optimal paths and forest of minimum weight. For all these paradigms and the derived algorithms, it is a challenge to get a unique and thin solution which is consistent with a definition. That is why we propose a unique and consistent thinning of the tie zone. In addition, we demonstrate that the TZ-IFT-WT is also the dual of segmentation methods based on fuzzy connectedness. Thus, the bridge between the morphological and the fuzzy approaches allows to take benefit from the advance of both. As a consequence, the concept of cores of robustness for the seeds is exploited in the case of watersheds


processamento de imagens mathematical morphology morfologia matemática teoria de grafos graph theory minimum spanning forest image segmentation watershed fuzzy connectedness image-foresting transform (ift) shortest-path forest arvores (teoria dos grafos)

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