Xylella fastidiosa - adhesion and colonization in xylem vessels of sweet orange, coffee, plum and tabacco, and insect vectors and formation of biofilme on polystyrene surface. / Xylella fastidiosa adesão e colonização em vasos do xilema de laranjeira doce, cafeeiro, ameixeira, fumo e espécies de cigarrinhas vetoras e formação de biofilme sobre película de poliestireno.




X. fastidiosa is a xylem-limited bacterium that has been affecting a high number of plants in Brazil and in the world. A lot of researches were already accomplished on this bacterium, but little is known regarding the adhesion, colonization and expression of the symptoms in plants. The objectives of this work were: a) through the use of electron microscopy and of light microscopy determine and to correlate the number of xylem colonized vessels of petiole of sweet orange, coffee and plum with chlorosis and leaf scorching in leaves; b) study the adhesion, radial migration and colonization of the vessels of the petiole xylem of sweet orange by the bacterium; c) study some experimental variables that affect the expression of symptoms in tobacco; d) verify the retention sites of the bacterium in sharpshooters; d) study the adhesion and biofilm formation by X. fastidiosa on polystyrene surface. The results showed a relationship between the number of colonized vessels in plum and coffee and the expression of necrotic symptoms. However, that relationship was not observed for sweet orange, which presented a number of colonized vessels smaller than the other two species. In the study of the bacterium in the xylem vessels of sweet orange it was possible to verify the several phases of the colonization process of the xylem as well as the ability of the bacterium to degrade the primary cell wall of the pit and migrate to adjacent vessels. It was also possible to verify responses of the plant to the bacterium characterized by the production of crystals in the lumen of the xylem vessels and gum accumulation and hyperplasia in the leaf cells. Regarding the tobacco varieties it was verified that the expression of symptoms is more intense in the cultivar Havana than in the cultivars TNN and RP1. It was also seen that symptoms expression was not influenced by the inoculum volume or the inoculation place, but it was altered by fertilization with ammonium sulfate, which delayed the beginning of the symptoms and reverted the symptoms in leaves after the application. In sharpshooters, bacterial cells exhibiting morphology similar to X. fastidiosa were visualized attached to the lateral side in the cibarium camera (longitudinal, lateral wall and membrane of the diaphragm) of Acrogonia citrina, and Oncometopia facialis, in the apodemal channel of Dilobopterus costalimai, and in the polar part in the pre-cibarium of O. facialis. Finally, in the study of the adhesion of X. fastidiosa on polystyrene surface, the results revealed the several phases of biofilm formation; aspects of its architecture, and it also indicated that the technique is an appropriate tool to study of the formation of biofilms and also of the bacterial morphology. The results are discussed regarding adhesion models, colonization, and distribution of the bacterium in the plant and the importance of knowing the pathogenicity mechanisms of X. fastidiosa and its transmission by the insect vectors.


light microscopy microscopia transmission electron microscopy xilema microscopia eletrônica de varredura cigarrinhas plant pathogenic bactéria sharpshooters xylella scanning electron microscopy clorose-variegada-dos-citros microscopia eletrônica de transmissão bactérias fitopatogênicas citrus variegated chlorosis

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