Xerostomia in the elderly: relation to salivary flow rate, proteins, buffer capacity, pH and drugs / Xerostomia em pacientes idosos: relação com o fluxo salivar, proteínas totais, capacidade tampão, pH e medicação em uso




The purpose of our trial was to investigate the influence of salivary flow rate, pH, protein content and buffer capacity over the symptom of xerostomia in a population of elderly people exhibiting good health. Eighty-five individuals were randomly selected, 13 men and 72 women, 60 to 82 years, mean 68.5. Twenty-one female patients presented dry mouth complaint when questioned. Seventy-seven patients (79%) were using some type of medication. Eighteen patients were not using drugs, 15 with no dry mouth complaint and three with xerostomia. Unstimulated whole saliva was collected for a period of 15 minutes to a refrigerated recipient. Salivary flow rate, pH and buffer capacity were measured immediately after sampling. Protein concentration was measured later at the lab center in a 2ml sample reserved for this procedure. Additionally, all patients had their glucose level taken. The following results were obtained: mean salivary flow rate of 0,21 ml/min, 0,16 for xerostomia patients and 0,22 for non-xerostomia patients. Mean salivary buffer capacity of 0,42; 0,46 for xerostomia patients and o,40 for non xerostomia patients. Mean pH of 7,22; 7,0 for xerostomia patients and 7,22 for non xerostomia patients. Mean protein concentration of 2,98 mg/ml; 3,30 for xerostomia patients and 2,88 for non xerostomia patients. We concluded that xerostomia is more prevalent in women and older patients, presenting positive correlation with low salivary flow rate, greater protein concentration and multiple drug use.


drugs proteínas totais salivares idosos ph salivary proteins medicamentos elderly fluxo salivar buffer capacity xerostomia flow rate xerostomia capacidade tampão

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