X Bienal de São Paulo: sob os efeitos da contestação / X Bienal de São Paulo: sob os efeitos da contestação


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This essay examine the 10th São Paulo Biennial, from 1969, investigating it within a cultural and socio-political situation marked by arbitrariness of a dictatorship, the collective manifestations against injustices, and the social consciousness taking by artists and art critics. The study aims, therefore, broaden the discussion beyond the boycott that has reached the arrangements and the materialization of the show. By an extensive research of documents related to the subject accumulated at the Wanda Svevo Historical Archive - São Paulo Biennial Foundation, it was possible to collect a number of information that helped reconstructing the facts. Besides, to establish a critical analysis of the informational findings, it was restored the published press reports from that time and an updated bibliography of politics, sociology, history and art field. The research presents the different angles of vision and attitude that permeated the boycott and the 10th Biennial seething within the context of the late 1960s. The show was achieved marked by political and cultural challenges and reverberated inside the same conflicts and ideological contradictions of the macro-political scenario. This agitation had its origins in the utopian impulse looking for transformations of the conservative structures.


são paulo biennial´s boycott. 10th são paulo biennial arte brasileira da década de 1960 boicote à bienal de são paulo brazilian art from the 1960s x bienal de são paulo

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