"Work organization of parliamentary shorthand typists: a study about Upper Limb Musculoskeletal Disorders" / "A organização do trabalho de taquígrafos parlamentares: um estudo sobre o desenvolvimento de LER/DORT (Lesões por esforços repetitivos/Distúrbios osteomusculares Relacionados ao Trabalho)"




Objective: to analyze some of the relevant aspects of work organization in the development of Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorders- WRMSD among male and female shorthand typists, in two parliamentary institutions in the metropolitan area of the city of São Paulo. Method: qualitative study; the instruments used to collect data have been: individual interview, observation of the work and questionnaire of health and work, composed of identification, occupational and morbidity questions and the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire. Results: Biomechanical factors such as the maintenance of static posture and the repetitive movements of typing / handling the voice recorder have been identified as probable WRMSD causes; as well as some aspects of work organization, such as: task division in time cycles, reduced staff, irregular schedules and breaks. The shorthand typists have spoken about: physical, cognitive, sensorial and psychological requirements of training/work, time pressure, fear of making mistakes, work overload in rush periods and strain caused by the full-time availability schedule. The workers have come up with WRMSK causes: time, environmental and action dimensions of their work, as well as individual aspects and extra-work conditions. Conclusions: (a) The parliamentary shorthand typing work is characterized by divided tasks, rigid work rhythm and deadlines, like a factory assembly-line; (b) several elements of work organization may influence the biomechanical overload and it may also increase the exposure to WRMSD risk among shorthand typists; (c) effective preventive measures must consider the biomechanical elements, as well as the aspects of organization of the work and workers’ participation.


pauses schedulesl occupational health distúrbios osteomusculares relacionados ao trabalho pausas horários de trabalho pressão temporal work related musculoskeletal disorders lesões por esforços repetitivos saúde do trabalhador sobrecarga de trabalho organização do trabalho redução de pessoal work organization work overload shorthand typist taquígrafos time pressure staff reduction

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