Women in the line of poverty inserted in global scenario: how they build their discurse / MULHERES NA LINHA DE POBREZA INSERIDAS NO CENÁRIO GLOBALIZADO: COMO ELAS CONSTROEM SEUS DISCURSOS




The aim of this work is analyse the selected proposition of magazines made with a group of black women, garbage collector of Santa Maria city, RS, to verify, from to the indicator of subjectivity, how they build a self image, the ethos, and how is established the relation of power in their discurses. The corpus of this work is composed by ten selected propositions of magazines. The search was made based on the methodological proposal of Bakhtin (1999), that contemplates both the verbal sphere as the context of use and the perspective of dialogism. The notion of ethos of Maingueneau (2001, 2005) and Amossy (2005) and the subjectivity in language studied by Orecchioni (1980) and Neves (2007), beyond other names, as Bourdieu, Scott (1995), Hall (1997), were important to achieve to the obtained results. The analysis demonstrates that, in the discurse of those women, it is evident that exist an asymmetry among genres, races/ethnic group and the social classes.


enunciados letras ethos dialogismo dialogism proposition subjetividade na linguagem collector of garbage mulheres negras catadoras de lixo

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