Water: economy and efficient use in urban environment / Água: economia e uso eficiente no meio urbano




Water is a vital element for life, especially for the human race. The problems caused by population growth and changes of habits in cities have a great influence in the “state of water supply” Increasing volumes of water are seized daily for agricultural, industrial and urban use and returned to the environment after that. Many times these water wastes have contaminating elements, industrial and residential sewage, chemical products, heavy metals and diffuse pollution that cause negative impacts of unknown intensity. In many countries and in Brazil’s semi-arid northeast region and, especially in the metropolitan areas of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro a increasing deficit of water supplies call for new solutions in water supplying systems. The present study seeks for methods of rational use of water in an efficient way, in order to preserve an increasingly precious asset. The mechanisms for water saving studied in this dissertation are micro drainage systems and the use of rainwater for non-drinkable water uses. Adopting mechanisms of reuse and recycling of water in activities that can withstand the use of water of lower standards of quality are also important tools for water supply saving. Another method of efficient use of water is the use of undercurrent waters disposed for the construction of underground floors in buildings. These sources are usually pumped and discarded in the urban drainage systems, and if properly used for non-drinking purposes could help save great volumes of water. The study also includes an analysis of the juridical aspects that regulate water reuse.


Água micro drainage uso racional microdrenagem reúso da água juridical aspects that regulate water reuse legislação sobre o uso das águas water water reuse rational use

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