Water dynamics in level terraces. / Dinâmica da água em terraços de infiltração.




Terracing is a soil conservation practice that aims to reduce water and soil loss by interception of runoff that occurs when rainfall intensities exceed infiltration capacity. Actually, dimensions of terraces are being determined in an empirical way; however, a more detailed understanding of the physics behind the hydrological functions of terraces would allow an optimized dimensioning of terraces. In this study the infiltration capacity of a level terrace was evaluated by the methods of flux density and water storage, under different management conditions (bare soil, pasture, conventionally tilled maize and zero-tillage maize) on an oxisol with a slope of 0.08 m m-1. In each treatment TDR sensors were installed at three observation points in the middle of the terrace canal (distance between points: 4 m; considered to be repetitions) at the depths of 0.05, 0.10, 0.20, 0.40, 0.60 and 0.80 m. At the same depths, undisturbed soil samples were taken to determine soil density and soil water retention curve. TDR readings were made automatically and a rainfall gauge automatically monitored rainfall intensity. At the end of each rainfall event, soil deposition was measured at 14 locations in the terrace canal in each treatment. During the dry season (July-August), unsaturated hydraulic conductivity was determined at each repetition at the same depths by the instantaneous profile method. The results showed that agricultural management influenced water and soil deposition in the terrace canal and these affected surfaced sealing and infiltration capacity. It was concluded that the high variation usually obtained between repetitions of the hydraulic conductivity determinations makes the detection of small differences between flux densities difficult. Therefore, it showed to be impossible to use flux densities calculated by Darcy-Buckingham equation in the order to prove existence of different infiltration rates in level terraces. This conclusion was reinforced due to the highly variable surface conditions in the terrace canal. A methodology to measure water contents within the depositions in the canal should be developed to increase the precision of water storage estimation. Infiltration rates in the terrace canal cannot be estimated by storage variation alone, due to the important role of drainage and, possibly, ascension of water in the terrace hill. A correct estimate of the infiltration rate in the canal, necessary for its dimensioning, should combine a high number of repetitions with the measurement of water content within the layer of deposits over the terrace canal surface along time.


terraceamento soil physics terraço erosion mathematical model erosão manejo de solo soil management física do solo terracing infiltration infiltração modelo matemático terrace

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