Wars histories: a reading og chronicles of António Lobo Antunes and Mia Couto / Histórias de guerra: uma leitura de crônicas de António Lobo Antunes e Mia Couto




This work aims at analyzing comparatively the way how António Lobo Antunes and Mia Couto represent the war in their chronicles. The selected narratives were published in First Chronicles Book, Second Chronicles Book and Third Chronicles Book by the Portuguese writer, and Chronicling by the Mozambican author. Approaching facts associated with the war, the propose a new interpretation of the historic process, by inciting the readers to have a critical point of view of the depicted conflicts. Starting from de articulation between History and fiction, the two authors make explicit the supporting mechanisms of war and particularize the effects of the conflicts in human relations, by giving them divergent perspectives, more notably utopian and melancholic ones.


mia couto mia couto melancholia antónio lobo antunes crônica chronicle antónio lobo antunes utopia melancolia utopia

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