Walt Whitman Rostow e a problemática do desenvolvimento: ideologia, política e ciência na Guerra Fria / Walt Whitman Rostow e a problemática do desenvolvimento: ideologia, política e ciência na Guerra Fria




This Thesismain objective is the production of a critical reading of the Walt Whitman Rostows construction of the development as an ideology and as a State policy of the United States in the Cold War context. The development is conceived as an international economic policy mainly to solve the serious problem of the need for international expansion of capitalism as a world system, in the post-war period, under the American hegemony. The political-ideological confrontation capitalism versus communism is certainly a relevant one, but secondary. A strong ideology of development becomes necessary to induce the so called underdeveloped countries to adopt the development as their primary goal, which the international development policy could make easier by the supply of international loanable funds and technical assistance. One accepted, this scheme would guarantee the functioning of a new international capitalistic order, replacing the old colonialism. Walt Whitman Rostow is perhaps the most important intellectual in the creation and promotion of the development as an ideology and a State policy. This Thesis is centered upon his theoretical-political production about the development, covering the effective creative period of this production, that is, until Rostows definition of his stages-of-growth sequence in The Stages of Economic Growth. A Non-Communist Manifesto. There is also an analysis of Rostows search for theoretical foundations by means of his criticism of Marx and of the structural-functional approach in the social sciences. .


teoria do desenvolvimento história das ciências sociais modernization theory teoria da modernização development ideology history of the social sciences ideologia do desenvolvimento walt whitman rostow walt whitman rostow development theory

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