Vozes silenciadas : uma leitura da obra de Salman Rushdie




This thesis discusses the narrative construction present in the novels Midnight’s Children, Satanic Verses and The Moor’s last Sigh, written by the Indo-British writer Salman Rushdie based on the theoretical proposals of the contemporary literature and their relationship with the post-colonialism. The aforementioned novels reject the dominating forces’ hegemony of the institutionalized thinking that violates in the human individuality and the minorities that choose a path against the conformism. By analyzing Rushdie’s works we highlight that, despite the fact his narrative is in English, the cultural forces of eastern and western are present in his discursive structure. Through fiction, it is also possible to possess means of apprehending the legacy of the Indian colonization. The stories told by Rushdie are stories that, through a compelling narrative spectrum, tell the story of those who live under the domination of silence.


estudos culturais pos-colonialismo literatura comparada identidade teoria literaria

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