Vozes da Cidade: o sentido da telenovela na metrópole paulista / Vozes da Cidade: o sentido da telenovela na metrópole paulista




This thesis is the result of a piece of research on the production of meaning in fiction television. It shows the role that the telenovela format plays as a trigger of values, emotions and feelings experienced in the daily routine of a city like São Paulo in 2006 and 2007, portrayed and revealed by the urban voices of city dwellers, who speak as television viewers. The body of data is made up of a set of respondents lines obtained from empirical exploratory research in which the survey interview method was used to collect data, and a questionnaire with open- and closed-end questions applied in face-to-face interviews. The set of lines is preceded by a background on telenovelas and the city of São Paulo to bring interpretation of the object into perspective and corroborate the proposal.


telenovela brasileira fiction tv city of são paulo ficção televisiva brazilian telenovela comunicação e produção de sentidos urban voices. linguagem urbana communication and production of meanings metrópole paulistana

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