Volumetria, calorimetria e fixação de carbono em florestas plantadas com espécies exóticas e nativas usadas como fonte energética no Polo Gesseiro do Araripe PE. / Volumetry, calorimetry and carbon fixation in forests planted with exotic and native species used as energy source in the Gypsum Pole of Araripe -PE.




In the industrial and commercial sectors of the Araripe Region in Pernambuco, the use of fire wood is mainly directed to the processes of calcination and production of gypsum in different technologies. Thus, this study aimed to find alternatives to supply the demand of firewood in the Gypsun Pole of Araripe in Pernambuco through the implementation of the forest with native and exotic species. The experiment was installed at the Experimental Station of the Agronomic Institute of Pernambuco - IPA, using nine species, among native and exotic: (Imburana - Amburana cearense (Allemão) A.C. Sm.; Angico - Anadenanthera colubrina (Vell.) Brenan var. cebil (Griseb.) Altschul; Jurema - Mimosa tenuiflora (Willd.) Poir.; Sabiá - Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia Benth.; Acácia - Senna siamea (Lam.) H.S. Irwin &Barneby; Leucena - Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) R. de Wit.; Algaroba - Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) D.C.; Ipês - Tabebuia sp.1 e Tabebuia sp.2) in a completely randomized design with different number of replications. The following parameters were evaluated: survival, volume in cubic meter - m and stereo meters - st, weight - kg, density of the stem, the carbon shaft of stem, carbon fixation of stem andcalorimetry. For the volume in st Sabiá and Jurema presented the best results. With regard to the volume in m Sabia was the most productive. Jurema and Sabiá were heavier species. The Jurema had the highest density of stem, followed by Sabiá and Algaroba. Regarding the carbon content in percentage Jurema, Imburana and Sabiá had the highest values. Jurema and Sabiá had the largest amounts of carbon fixed in stem in tonners per hectare due to have the highest average volume per tree and Sabiá and Jurema were the species with better efficiency in production of heat in the process of dehydration of gypsum. Thus,Sabiá and Jurema are the species indicated for the production of wood in homogeneous commercial plantations in the Chapada Araripe in Pernambuco.


manejo florestal volume cubagem araripe(pe) espécies exóticas espécies nativas carbono gesso ciências florestais peso recursos florestais e engenharia florestal

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