Voices of silence: moral judgment of deaf adolescents and adults on humiliation situations / Vozes do silêncio: juízos morais de jovens e adultos surdos sobre situações de humilhação




The purpose of this study is to make a comparative analysis about humiliation within the judgment of deaf youngsters and adults. For this matter, weve investigated: 1) examples of humiliation involving third parties (HUTER) and/or personally experienced by the participants (HUPES); 2) judgment of representation of reality (JRR) on the participants reaction towards personal humiliation considered most important in the past and hypothetically in the present, as in the non-deafness hypothetical context, in the past; 3) dilemma - solution that counter poses humiliation on the job and continuity of the family, focusing on the moral judgment values (MJV) and on the JRR, and 4) JRR on the action of the main character of the dilemma in the non-deafness context. Twelve (12) deaf people participated, their age group varying between 15-25 and 35-45 years old, equally divided as to gender. We used the clinical methodology (Piaget, 1926/s.d.;1932/1994), by means of the language of signs with a structured and a semistructured interview, individually held. The obtained results allowed us to verify that youngsters more than adults, spontaneously mentioned HUTER examples. In relation to HUPES situations, adults provided a larger number of answers than youngsters. We verified that in relation to the JRR on the reaction towards humiliation considered the most important, in the past and hypothetically in the present, there was a change in judgment. In the past, the main answers refer to no reaction and to run away from or to leave the place. In the present, to try to talk was a reaction taken into account, as well as a new kind of answer: to reciprocally despise. In relation to the action in the past, on a hypothetical non-deafness context, there was an alteration in the JRR, since we detected a new answer category: to search for other friends. For the JMV and the JRR referent to the decisions of the main character of the dilemma-story, the answer to go on with the work was kept in both, although there were differences among the justifications. In the same way, the non-deafness context only influenced the justifications for the answers of the already mentioned dilemma. Therefore, humiliation was considered in the everyday life of the participants, and moreover, the relations between: past/present, deafness/non-deafness context, and MJV/JRR qualitatively influenced their judgment.


psicologia do desenvolvimento humano humiliation sign language deafness juízo moral, humilhação moral judgment surdez língua de sinais

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