Vocação, tradição ou profissão : um estudo sobre a escolha profissional e a evasão escolar na Escola Preparatoria de Cadetes do Exercito




This study, which is descriptive-interpretative in character, deals specifically with the area of educat-ional guidance, and has as its aim to verify the reasons for choice of profession, and to detect the reasons why young people, aAer chasing a pmfession, abandon the career which they selected. The study is limited to young people who opt for a military career, specifically, that of a combatent officer of the army. The study analyses the reasons for the choice of a military career and the future implications which lead to the so-called "abandonment", resulting from a critical review of availabie theories about the choice of a profession; discussing employment in the army as a profession theoretically, caracterizing the youth as the subject of the choice. Also considered are the reasons that lead many of the youths to adapt themselves to a situation which, though it is far from ideal in vocational terms, offers compensations which explain such accomodation. The analysis was camed out, examimng the data of extensive empirical research with youths (students) wko entered the EsPCEx (Preparatory School for Army Cadets) from the schoool years 1996 / 1997 I 1998 / 1999 / 2Q00, concentrating on the those who abandon the course in EsPCEx itself. The EsPCEx students v ere contacted and heard individually, within the context of the EsPCEx 200G Project -- Partnership between School and Quality - particularly on the occasion of the formal request to leave the course. The conclusions demonstrate o plurality of factors which determine the choice of career, such as: stability of ¿maranteed employment in a structured profession; identification with military activities; tradition, influence and pressure of the family; the possibility to recewe free and well structured tuition, the prospect of social advancement, release from military service, non -success in civilian universities entrance examinations and, as causes for late abandonments; non-adaption to the military regime, which postulates hierarchy and discipline; university approval; obtaining precise information about a military.


escolha (psicologia) trabalho educação militar evasão escolar militares

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