Viver e morrer sob o Rosário: rituais e práticas na Irmandade do Rosário dos Pretos da Vila de Santo Antonio do Recife no século XVIII.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This work around the eyes to the Brotherhood of the Rosary of the Blacks of the town of Santo Antonio do Recife in the eighteenth century in colonial Pernambuco, in order to understand the social and cultural role in developing its space with respect in regard to the concepts of life and death assimilated by members of that institution. Our intention also is to present a research that involves analysis of the interaction of the various African groups who lived within the fellowship, seeking to understand their trade amid a dominant Catholic culture. The theoretical methodology to be used in this study regarding the collection of evidentiary sources in paradigms is highlighted by the historian Carlo Ginzburg and morphology, which advocates an epistemological model based on research evidence. Wastes that were revealed in the course of the research.


rosário morte irmandade cotidiano negros historia do brasil história social cultura regional religião brotherhood

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