Vivências de mães de crianças com insuficiência renal crônica: um estudo fenomenológico / Experience of children mothers with Chronic Renal Failure: a phenomenological estudy.




The Chronic Renal Failure diagnosis (CRF) inaugurates in a person who experiences an irreversible crossing to the disease world, altering the relation of the sick person with his/her body. It is an incurable disease, which treatment consists in permanent interventions along the life of the patient as reliance of devices to substitute the renal function, surgical interventions, and daily ingestion of medicine and adoption of restriction dietary. The children families in ambulatory peritoneal dialysis treatment have assumed significant surcharge in the carefulness offered to the child, which results in emotional weariness, guilt experiences and familiar stress. The goal in this study, in context is to comprehend the experiences of Chronic Renal Failure holder children mother, their way to exist facing the dialysis treatment and the possibility of the renal transplant. The study was led according to the phenomenological investigation methodology, that consists in apprehension of the phenomenon such as it reveals to the person who experiences it, seeking to catch the meanings ascribed to her/him on his/her existence. Five mothers with CRF children and adolescents were interviewed in peritoneal dialysis treatment in the clinical hospital in the Faculty of Medicine of "Ribeirão Preto". University of São Paulo (HC/FMRP/ USP), from the question: "How have you been experiencing this moment of your life?" the interviews were analysed according to the method of analysis of the stated phenomenon structure, proposed by Martin &Bicudo (1989), Giorgi (1985) and Valle (1997), developing such thematic categories: inaugurating to live with the disease and the treatment of the child; integrating into the treatment everyday: to mean to "live on" , caring for the child: offering and recognizing his/her vitality, admitting the own coping quests and conquests, glimpsing the links memorable alliances: from the conquered to broken. Some ideas of Martin Heidegger were used as theorical references, as well as from others authors that have the same idea as him. The study enabled the comprehension of some facets of the mothers experiences on their relation of caring established with a sick child, seizing the meanings ascribed by them to an incurable sick, its treatment and repercussion of this reality on their lives and on the life of their children.


mothers fenomenologia chronic renal failure mães phenomenology. insuficiência renal crônica

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