Vivências de familiares de pacientes com câncer em processo de terminalidade de vida: um estudo clínico-qualitativo / Experiences of relatives of patients with cancer in the process of life terminality: a clinical-qualitative study.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The impact of a disease causes significant changes in the household, especially when in contact with the possibility of finiteness, since the resources and procedures used are no longer effective in fighting cancer. This qualitative research aimed to understand the meanings attributed to the experience of relatives of terminally ill cancer patients in the home context. This is a clinical-qualitative study with a point to valorize the following aspects: existentialist attitude, clinical attitude and psychoanalytic attitude - elements recognized as pillars that support the chosen method. Seven interviews were conducted with family considered as the primary caregiver of patients, who are assisted by charities. The technique used to perform data collection in this study was the semi structured interview with open questions. Upon consent, the interviews were audio recorded and later transcribed. The data collected were subjected to content analysis according to clinical-qualitative method, using the concepts from psychoanalytic theory and materials found in the literature of health psychology for result discussion. After the readings fluctuating set of all the interviews and subsequent analysis, it was found that experiencing the terminal process proved to be a dense, difficult and painful experience for the family. The way the family initially received the diagnosis was felt to be an involving situation marked by uncertainty and doubt, given the difficulty in communication between health professionals and family. Coming across with the disease while, in some cases, also with a closed and narrower prognosis is described as a situation in which they were alone and lacking support. In the webs of the speeches some assumptions were made about the emergence of cancer and its severity, related to patients\ behaviors which were judged as \"inadequate\", but also experiences of emotional difficulties were attributed to the raising of the disease. As they were coming into contact with a treatment no more focused on the cure, but based on palliative interventions, they expressed despair and anguish by the possibility of death of the entity that is no longer a distant reality, renumbered as possibility. The family brought the experience of finiteness as a process of deep and broad scale of loss evidenced by weakness and progressive lack of health of loved ones, having to experience a grieving process before real death. Given the vulnerability of their loved ones, family members, assumed the role of primary caregiver feeling this function as complex and marked by many sacrifices for the unconditional dedication equivalent to the relationship between mother and child. In this sense, for the family, this experience proved to be a painful thing missing host and space for their suffering. Thus, it is essential that at this time, health professionals could provide assistance consistent with the process in which they are inserted, creating possibilities for sensitive listening in sync with the actions and principles advocated in palliative care.


clinical-qualitative method death familiares family método clínico-qualitativo morte terminalidade terminality

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